Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is this skill they call Penmanship?

Children are becoming too dependent on computers. What will happen to their fine motor skills, such as writing and sitting up in an alert position? I want to focus on the various negative aspects of introducing computers to children at a young age, including the obsession and real life issues caused by a constant use.


  1. Sabina, this is an interesting topic! Does utilizing technology at an early age prevent the child from fully devleoping its brain? I agree with you that people are becoming dependent on computers, especially since technology is constantly improving. Also, typing does hurt penmanship! Hahas

  2. I agree! This is very interesting. It really makes you think about how all this innovative technology is going to alter the curriculum in early years of school. From what I remember, my teachers were sticklers about penmanship. But nowadays, who actually writes? lol

  3. wow, I'm so impatient to read what you have to say about this. I totally agree with you that kids shouldn't use so much internet, and it is parent's fault that they do. Instead of reading books or studying, many children play video games and making themselves obese.

  4. This is an awesome topic! It never crossed my mind of how new media could affect basic motor skills. I agree that too much emphasis on computers from a young age is definitely an inhibitor of these skills, but since we are in such a quickly evolving world, they do need the exposure: so how much is too much? I definitely can't wait to see how you will develop this topic. Looking forward to it :)

  5. Guys thanks for the support and comments, I will actually make my seven year old read them...so that he can see that mommy is not the only crazy one encouraging writing on paper ;)
